Sunday, January 20, 2019

day 13 | process insight

[ my art is
a transmission
to remember
who you are.
the images
move beyond
words -
calling you to
walk forth
& step into
your desired
state of being. ] process begins with eight words. the words are added to the canvas to activate it. to attune it to the message for the client.

...colors are added. marks are made. layers and layers are added.

...images and animals appear within the layers. most times an animal will appear in one layer and then again in another layer.

...this painting had a bear appear twice. in the final image he appeared in her dress. can you see him holding the red bouquet of flowers?

...there is no image in mind when starting the painting. the image is allowed to appear within in the marks and layers.

...when finished, a message is written on the back for the client & sent to its new home.

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