Tuesday, May 19, 2020

...blue jay...


My mom and I started a painting together awhile back. I had her write the negative things she was feeling on the canvas. Then add colors that represented those feelings.

Then I had her come up with 8 feelings that she desired to feel & write those on the canvas.
Then just make marks and see what comes forward.

The 8 words are something I ask from others when doing a painting for them to activate the canvas with their energy.

The 2nd painting is my Moms.

I love the joy of the woman in her painting.

At this point, my Mom felt complete with her portion, so I took the painting home with me and began making marks.

At one point a cardinal appeared. It kinda freaked me out because it was a time when my boss had passed and I would see a cardinal in my yard all the time. I would tell my Mom about it.

I shared my intuitive paintings with her a lot. We had a lot of conversations about intuition and beliefs and God.


I wanted to ask my Mom before she passed what bird she would be so I would know it was her. I never got the chance.

I decided it would be a blue jay.

After her passing, I decided to play with the canvas again. & guess what appeared?

Yep. A blue jay.

The little orange area among the flowers is from her painting. A little piece of her.

There is still an area that is intriguing me - that pink spot in the sky. Just below it, it looks like a woman with grey hair - the pink her crown.

So, I will continue to feel into if there is more to see.

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