Monday, August 18, 2014

| delicious ambiguity |

Let life happen to you.
Believe me:  life is in the right,


I was standing at the shoreline longing for the sun to break through the clouds and display the beautiful sunset that I was longing to see.  It teased me with rays of light peeking out from behind the clouds giving me a glimmer of hope for a brief moment.  The sky continued to move closer to the ground and the grey overtook the water.  As my sight became limited, I engaged my other senses.  I listened to the rhythm of the waves crashing upon the shore again and again.  I felt my footprints grow deeper into the wet sand.  The cool breeze caressed my skin and tousled my hair.  My mind began to quiet as I began absorbing my surroundings and flowing with it. I was anchored to the now...right here, this moment.  

Off in the distance, I hear the long, deep bellowing of a horn.  Although I could't see it yet, a ship was on the other side of the clouds navigating it's way to shore.  I gazed deeper into the grey and slowly an image began to appear.  As it pierced through the veil of the clouds moving slowly into the harbor, it appeared almost ghost-like.  You could only glimpse at it's vastness.  It moved through the grey and into the light, you could now see the magnitude of it.  It was much grander than I had imagined.  

As I reflected on this experience, I realized the sunset wasn't truly what I was desiring when I went to the beach.  It was the feeling of connection, peace and beauty that I feel when I'm standing on the shore.  I realized there is an expansiveness beyond the grey, even though I couldn't fully see it.  I observed how the grey caused me to turn inward and search for what I really desired.  By connecting with how I desired to feel, the universe graced me with a new experience of beauty that I had not imagined on my own.  

I was longing for the beauty of a sunset, but instead, I witnessed the beauty of the grey.  The story of my day is a beautiful metaphor for my life thus far this year.  The grey to me.  Borrowing from Gilda Radner, it's "delicious ambiguity"...not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. 

Yes, life is in the right...always.

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